
Ametis Institute is a world-class research and consulting institution that provides high-quality services

Through Fundamental Values, Research Excellence, Partnership and Human Development


The institute emphasizes working closely with its clients and partners to create the most effective research designs and high quality consultancy services that produce valuable and optimal solutions to economic, engineering, and management/business problems.


The institute helps decision makers in industry, government, and non-profit organizations identify the available options and relevant factors to be considered while planning for their organizations and synthesize best available strategic solutions for effective decision making.


One of the fastest growing research & consulting institutions that deliver comprehensive services through human development and develop good partnership with stakeholders.

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Ametis Latest Events & News

Cerita Sopir Truk, Pilih Lewat Tol Trans Sumatera Ketimbang Jalan Nasional

16 September 2022|Categories: Infrastructure and Transportation|

Was-was, mungkin kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan perasaan beberapa pengendara yang kerap melintas di jalan nasional di Sumatera. Selain medan yang berat, mereka dihadapkan pada kondisi yang menantang di mana ada titik-titik tertentu rawan tindak kriminal.

Honda Janji Umumkan Strategi Motor Listrik untuk Indonesia Tahun Ini

13 September 2022|Categories: Energy, Business and Management|

Astra Honda Motor (AHM) menyatakan bakal merilis roadmap terkait strategi sepeda motor listrik di Indonesia pada tahun ini. Roadmap ini berkaitan strategi besar prinsipal yang ingin menghadirkan 10 motor listrik secara global pada 2025.

Kelebihan Pasokan Listrik PLN Sebabkan Stagnasi Transisi Energi di Indonesia

13 September 2022|Categories: Energy, Business and Management|

Indonesia memerlukan investasi tambahan 8 miliar dollar AS per tahun untuk pengembangan energi baru terbarukan (EBT) jika ingin mencapai target net zero emission Indonesia pada 2060 yang ambisius, menurut International Energy Agency.