Kinan Internasional
Ametis Institute and PT. Energy Kinan Internasional have collaborated on developing Geothermal in Galunggung West Java, 2013. Ametis Institue and Kinan Internasional have conducted preliminary survey in Galunggung and figured out 221 MW potential resources.
The Preliminary Survey activities consist of Geological Survey, Geochemical Survey and Geophysical Survey. It was conducted for a year started from June 2013 to June 2014. PT. Energy Kinan Internasional has presented the final report to Mineral of Energy and mineral Resource as one of The Preliminary Survey final activities.

Geothermal Preliminary Assessment
Ametis Institute has conducted preliminary assessment in some of Geothermal areas in
Indonesia. The areas are:
- Geothermal Air Dikit, Merangin Jambi with 225 MW potential resource.
- Geothermal Gunung Lawu, Central Java with 195 MW potential resource
- Geothermal Air Tenang, Merangin Jambi with 75 MW potential resource.
- Geothermal Guci, Central Java with 55 MW potential resource.
- Geothermal Ungaran, Central Java with 110 MW potential resource.
Ametis Institute has been cooperating with various parties in conducting a study on geothermal which have been published as follows:
- Caesary, D. (2014). Natural State Model Calibration for a Deep Natural Convective Model of Part of the TVZ. Unpublished Master ‘s Thesis, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
- Luketina, K., Yuafrinaldi., & Zarouk, S., (2015). Onekeneke Stream, Taupo : Historical Changes and Their Causes. In: Proceedings of the 37th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop, Taupo, New Zealand.
- Martakusumah, R., Srigutomo, W., Suryantini., Bakti Pratama, A., Trimadona., & Arie Haans. (2015). Gravity Analysis for Hidden Geothermal System in Cipanas,Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java. In: Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia.
- Pratama, A. B., Srigutomo, W., & Suryantini. (2015). 3D Conceptual Modeling Based on Geophysical and Geological Information for Targeting Geothermal Prospect Area in Hidden Geothermal System. In: Proceedings of 40th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California.
- Putra, A., & Suryantini. (2013). The Conceptual Model of MT Galunggung Geothermal System and Its Implication for Proposed Geophysics Method. In: Proceedings of CINEST 2014, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Yuafrinaldi. (2014). Subsurface Geology and Hydrothermal Alteration of Salak Geothermal Field, West Java, Indonesia. Unpublished Master ‘s Thesis, University of Auckland, New Zealand.