Well Management System Development Services Gallery Well Management System Development Services Energy
Geothermal Field Operations Guidelines and Geothermal Data Warehouse Management Gallery Geothermal Field Operations Guidelines and Geothermal Data Warehouse Management Energy, Sustainability
Pre-Feasibility Study of Electric Utility Efficiency at STIP (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran) Jakarta Gallery Pre-Feasibility Study of Electric Utility Efficiency at STIP (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran) Jakarta Energy, Sustainability
Pre-Feasibility Study of Clean Water Supply and Management Gallery Pre-Feasibility Study of Clean Water Supply and Management Energy, Sustainability
Geothermal Field Development Guidelines Gallery Geothermal Field Development Guidelines Energy, Sustainability
Implementation of Strategic Concept for Development of Nipa Island, Batam Gallery Implementation of Strategic Concept for Development of Nipa Island, Batam Energy
Well Reactivation Consultancy Service Provision: PPL-007 and HCE-29 Dieng and Patuha Geothermal Field Gallery Well Reactivation Consultancy Service Provision: PPL-007 and HCE-29 Dieng and Patuha Geothermal Field Energy, Sustainability
Pre-Feasibility Study of the Installation of Waste Processing Unit into Electrical Energy Based On Environmentally Friendly Technology Gallery Pre-Feasibility Study of the Installation of Waste Processing Unit into Electrical Energy Based On Environmentally Friendly Technology Energy, Sustainability
Well Reactivation Consultancy Service Provision: HCE 17A, DNG 1, and HCE 31 Dieng Geothermal Field Gallery Well Reactivation Consultancy Service Provision: HCE 17A, DNG 1, and HCE 31 Dieng Geothermal Field Energy, Sustainability
Well Reactivation Consultancy Service Provision: HCE 30A, HCE 28B, and HCE 9B Dieng Geothermal Power Plant Unit 1 Gallery Well Reactivation Consultancy Service Provision: HCE 30A, HCE 28B, and HCE 9B Dieng Geothermal Power Plant Unit 1 Energy, Sustainability