
Ametis Institute is a reputable research and consulting institution that provides high-quality services in business sustainability.

Through Integrity, Research Excellence, and Partnership.


We provide integrated services in the field of strategic management, economic and financial analysis, infrastructure, energy, natural resources, and sustainability.


Our clients came from various entities, ranging from government institutions, state owned enterprises, and private sectors. The projects that have been carried out starting from consulting services and products development in the fields of energy, infrastructure, health, information technology, sustainability to climate compliance.


Ametis consists of many experienced in-house experts supported by big data, continuous innovation, and knowledge management. The products and services provided are built on robust methodologies through multi-level review process.

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Ametis Latest News

Maritime Workshop & Grand Final Maritime Youth Competition

2 May 2017|Categories: News|

Penyelenggaraan Maritime Workshop dan Grand Final Maritime Youth Competition, Indonesian Maritime Youth Festival berjalan meriah dan lancar.(2/05/2017). Kegiatan yang dimulai pada pagi hari pukul 08.00 – 13.00 diawali dengan kegiatan Workshop Maritim yang menghadirkan para narasumber yang kompeten pada bidang teknologi kapal dan kedirgantaraan, serta pengelolaan limbah dan telah terbukti mampu memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat Indonesia.

Geothermal Workshop on “Geothermal Technology and Business”

26 October 2016|Categories: News|

Bapak Ismail Zulkarnain (Komisaris Utama) PT Ametis Institut memberikan Presentasi Teknikal bertajuk “Geothermal Multiplier Benefits” pada acara Geothermal Workshop on “Geothermal Technology and Business” yang diselenggarakan pada 25-26 Oktober 2016, di Universitas Indonesia – Depok.

Seminar Nasional: Energy for Life, Environment to Live, Earth Day is Everyday

24 March 2016|Categories: News|

Dalam rangka Hari Bumi tahun 2016, Ametis Institute bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Alam Melayu Sriwijaya (MALAYA), Pemerintah Propinsi Sumatera Selatan, Kementerian Pariwisata RI, dan Universitas Sriwijaya mengadakan seminar nasional dengan tema “Energy for Life, Environment to Live, Earth Day is Everyday” pada hari Rabu, 23 Maret 2016, di Palembang – Sumatera Selatan.